Thursday 11 June 2009

Swimming at 3K!!!

6 June 2009 (Saturday)
Public Holiday

Initially we planned to go to Bukit Gambang Water park for holiday.
However, we changed our after the jam we faced the last weeked at the KL- Karak highway. An hour and a half trip became 3 hours trip - well, that was too much. Better not to travel so far during the school holidays. Everyone was planning holidays during this period.

After so much talk about going to 3K, we finally were there!!! Well, it's good for the kids although the pool was a bit shallow. Being the first time here, we didn't bring Mei Mei.
The next round we must bring Mei Mei already.

Hi, I am at 3K. I am wearing my new swimsuit. My mummy bought it for me. Nice or not?

I can sit in the pool!!!
Ko Ko and Darren. Darren was enjoying playing with the float.
Ko Ko didn't want to use the float, on seeing that no one used a float there.

Ko Ko was trying to swim at the shallow end.

Ugh..Darren was really swimming hard huh...

See, my Darren got style wooo...
Can you swim like that?

Darren was enjoying playing with his new found friend.

Come...let's jump into the pool together....
1.....2.....3 ....Jump!!!
When Darren came out of the pool, I saw him helping the other boy coming out of the pool by pulling one of his hand. Seen him did that twice.
Although it might be a bit dangerous to do so, as it may cause the other boy to fall as he couldn't balance himself with one hand, I must applaud Darren for his good intention.
By nature, Darren is quite a helpful boy. A bit clumsy though.

Chen and her oldest daughter.

Met Ms Chen Chee Hoong with her family at 3K. I got to know about this place from her laaa.....Chen's eldest daughter is same age with my Ko Ko. While her second daughter is same age with Darren. Unable to get any picture of her second one as she had ran off to her Daddy.

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