Tuesday, 31 January 2012

One Fine Night :)

18 December 2011

Ko Ko was practising carrying BB

Good mood time!

Christmas @ i-City

25 December 2012 (Monday)

The number of people visiting this place that day was incredulous! Luckily we were in before 7 pm. Otherwise we would be stuck at the jam to queue in! This was the first time we visited i-City. We came after our visit at Setia Alam for the first time, having heard the hoo haaa of it so many times. We finally made it there and it was ....good...

The sexy pose that is not that sexy ;P

The only ride that the kids managed to queue up for!

The train ride, which the kids queued half and hour for...Hmmm...not worth queuing laaa, that's what I told the kids. Next only laa we come again...

Christmas @ The Mines

24 December 2011 (Sunday)

Bought ipad2 at the Mines and earned us ice skating tickets for the kids :). What a Christmas gift for the kids :). Loved it. Did not do it purposely but it was wonderful nonetheless !

Made Mei Mei took photos with the performers! After all, it's Christmas!!
Cheese Mei Mei!

Daddy assisting the Mei Mei with the socks!

Putting on the roller skating. We must purchased the socks first. I got them a pack of three at Giant nearby. At first Daddy said no need to play since need to get socks.

Of course, I insisted must buy them since after all we got the free tickets. It would be wasteful we did not use it. After all this is not an everyday thing. Socks are so cheap and can be use for future any way!

Mei Mei resting at the side bench before continue again!

Darren wasted his ticket by not playing. Should have insisted that he played! :(

Ko Ko tried to move away from the wall for a second!
Hanging by the makeshift wall. Considering that Mei Mei was only slightly below 5 years old, she was very daring to try this sport! Darren dared not tried!
Can see Ko Ko and Mei Mei hanging on by the sides :)

Time up!

Can see their satisfied face :).

I always asked them " Thanks who?"

The answer always will " Mummy!" :P